About Elijah Prophetic Watchtower Ministries


Elijah Prophetic Watchtower Ministries(EPW Ministries) is a teaching and government intercessory and prophetic prayer ministry, currently headquatered in Cleveland, Ohio.

EPW Ministries teaches and trains Intercessors to pray the will of God according to his word and prophetic discourse into governments.
EPW Ministries also teaches biblical concepts concerning government.

Elijah Hakim is the Founder, Overseer, Prophet, and Teacher.
Elijah Hakim has been a prophetic voice to government officials, church and business leaders, and people from all walks of life for over 35 years.This ministry was formed in early 2019 by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and by a Prophetic Word from a leading Apostle that confirmed my inspiration.
EPW Ministries created and developed our core prayer team, The Eagle Prayer Mission, a small group of trained, hardcore, and battle-tested prayer warriors to pray over government behaviors on behalf of God's vulnerable constituencies.

Our first prayer meeting was held on the first Monday in June 2019, and we have not looked back.

The Eagle Prayer Mission continues to pray mainly over the assigned territories of the United States, Ethiopia, West Africa, the Middle East, and the African Diaspora in the United States.

Since our inception, we have seen many breakthroughs in each of the assigned territories on behalf of justice affecting vulnerable populations.

At EPW Ministries, we are fulfilling the assigned scriptural mandate expressed in I Timothy 2:1-2:

 " I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings and for all that are in authority, that we may live a quiet and  peaceable life in all godliness and honesty..."

This biblical directive is a clear and frank indication that:

1) It is God's will that we experience a peaceful existence here on Earth, and is against policies that negatively impact our well-being,

2) That our ability to enjoy a peaceful existence is directly affected by those that are in authority over us, including those in government, business/workplaces, religious institutions, family structures, etc,

3) It is our praying and supplication concerning these structures that will affect our ability to live peacefully under them.

If you would like to join our prayer movement in praying over our governments, would like to receive nonpartisan biblical teachings regarding God's will concerning government, or would like to receive our newsletter, please fill out the contact form on the upper right side of this webpage, and indicate your preference.

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